User papers for industry and practitioners. References to related work are optional. Allowed paper length: between 2 and 4 pages (without references).
Academic submissions, in three different categories (have to follow formatting requirements, references to related work are required):
- (Academic) full-papers: ‘original completed research’, should not exceed 12 pages excluding references.
- (Academic) ‘work-in-progress papers’, should not exceed 7 pages excluding references.
- (Academic) ‘demo papers’, should not exceed 5 pages excluding references. In addition to the papers, the authors will be expected to demonstrate the systems at the conference.
For submitting the papers, we invite authors to meet the format requirements in compliance with Springer LNAI style. Templates are available through the followings:
The papers should be submitted via the START system, through the following link: https://softconf.com/n/hit-it
The conference will not consider the submission and evaluation of abstracts only.
- Each submission will be reviewed by 3 members of the Programme Committee.
- The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and made available online on the conference website. Authors of accepted papers will receive guidelines regarding how to produce camera-ready versions of their papers.
The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and made available online on the conference website.
We plan to invite the authors of the best papers to submit extended versions to a special issue of a prestigious journal.
Submission deadline: 30 April 2023 (extended deadline)
Notification of acceptance: 31 May 2023
Final version due: 10 June 2023
Early fee deadline: 20 June 2023
Conference dates: 7, 8 and 9 July 2023
Tutorials: 6 July 2023