HiT-IT is organised by the University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom), the University of Surrey (United Kingdom), the University of Malaga (Spain), the University of Naples L’Orientale (Italy), and the Association of Computational Linguistics (Bulgaria).
Conference Chairs
- Gloria Corpas Pastor (University of Malaga, Spain)
- Ruslan Mitkov (Lancaster University, UK)
- Johanna Monti (University of Naples L’Orientale, Italy)
- Constantin Orasan (University of Surrey, UK)
Organising Committee
- Maria Pia di Buono (University of Naples l’Orientale)
- Dayana Abuin Rios (University of Malaga)
- Khadija Ait Elqih (University of Naples l’Orientale)
- Anastasia Bezobrazova (University of Malaga)
- Meriem Boulekhoukh (University of Oran)
- Rocío Caro Quintana (University of Wolverhampton)
- Amal El Farhmat (University of Malaga)
- Alfiya Khabibullina (University of Malaga)
- Lilit Kharatian (University of Malaga)
- Nikolai Nikolov (INCOMA Ltd.)
- Daria Sokova (New Bulgarian University)
- Giulia Speranza (University of Naples l’Orientale)
- Ljubica Leone, (University of Verona)
For further information, the Organising Committee can be reached by email: 2023@hit-it-conference.org.