Tutorial Speakers
Tutorial sessions be in the main conference room 1.1

Neural Machine Translation Tutorial
Dr. Félix do Carmo
Félix do Carmo is a Senior Lecturer in Translation and Natural Language Processing at the University of Surrey. After having finished his Ph.D. at the University of Porto, where he was a Guest Lecturer, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Dublin City University, under a two-year EDGE-MSCA fellowship. He was a translator and a translation company owner in Portugal for over twenty years.

Automatic Subtitling Tutorial
Dr. Alina Karakanta
Alina Karakanta is an Assistant Professor in Machine Translation at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. She received her PhD on the topic of Automatic Subtitling from Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the University of Trento. Her research has been navigating disciplinary boundaries between translation studies, computational linguistics and computer science. She has extensive experience in the translation industry, working as a professional translator and post-editor as well as a machine translation consultant.